Host your first online class, training or webinar (without the overwhelm)

Women hosting a webinar

If you’re looking for another stream of income to add to your business, creating an online masterclass or webinar may be the answer. As with any form of income, you do all the work upfront but then reap the rewards afterwards. 

Your first webinar: Start Small, Think Big

Hands down, one of the best ways to boost your credibility and visibility is to host your own webinars, trainings or online masterclasses. They’re a chance for you to show off your expertise, provide social proof, and get your name in front of more potential clients and customers. 

So what’s holding you back? 

Well, if you’re like most people, it’s fear. Fear of not being able to attract an audience. Fear of not being able to sell enough tickets or get enough sign ups. Fear of the tech. Fear of just putting yourself out there and saying, “I’m hosting this event.” 

Here’s the secret though. Your event does not have to be a 300-person affair. Of course, you can have aspirations of that (and you really should), but that’s not where you begin. You could begin with a small, intimate event that holds less than 50 people. 

Think about it. If you only have to sell 50 tickets or get 50 sign ups, there’s a lot less pressure to perform. You’ll have lower out-of-pocket expenses, fewer people to please, and less equipment to worry about. 

But you still have all the kudos of being able to say, “I’m hosting an event!” 

Plus, this live event will lay the groundwork for future events. Because you’ve got the experience, it will be much easier to add further live components to your business. 

You’ll have a lot less worry over managing all the pieces and parts, simply because you’ve “been there, done that” before. 

So while you’re planning your event, keep these points in mind:

  • Promote and talk up your event. Even if you’re nervous about it, be energetic and positive. Courage and confidence instils the same in your potential audience.
  • Get testimonials and feedback. Make sure you get this from attendees during  the event. Don’t wait until afterwards, because we’re all forgetful creatures and we’re busy. 
  • Take notes and learn for next time. What worked, what didn’t, what could have been improved? 
  • Keep it simple. Don’t try to host a multi-day, multi-room event for your first time out. Put that on your “someday” list instead. 

But the most important point about your first live event? Just do it. Step outside your comfort zone and enter the world of online events and webinars. Once you’re there, you’ll find that your credibility increases exponentially.

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